Created Alg Design Block (Besides Big O)

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Jonathan Turner 2024-02-15 12:56:34 -05:00
parent 00edd1e95d
commit b935c1f10e

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
// Name: Jonathan Turner
// Class: CS 4306/01
// Term: Spring 2024
// Instructor: Dr. Haddad
// Assignment: 2
// IDE Name: IntelliJ
Algorithm Design Block
Algorithm title: Finding Substrings
Logical steps:
Step 1: Gather input for the text and store them in a string.
Step 2: Create a counter that tracks how many substrings are in the text.
Step 3: Iterate through a for loop (i) that goes from 1->n.
Step 4: If the ith letter in the text is equal to A, then move to Step 5. Otherwise, continue loop.
Step 5: Iterate through a for loop (j) which is inside loop (i) and goes from i+1->n.
Step 6: If the jth letter in the text is equal to B, increment counter.
Step 7: At the end of the loop (i), return the counter to show the number of substrings.
Pseudocode Syntax:
text <- input
counter <- 0
comps <- 0
for i <- 1 to n
if text[i] = A
for j <- i+1 to n
if text[j] = B
counter + 1
comps + 1
comps + 1
return counter, comps
Big-O Analysis: (Based on Implementation)
package Assignments.A2;
* Performs a brute force/exhaustive search for
* how many substrings start with A and end with B.
* @author Jonathan Turner
public class Substrings {