2024-02-11 21:57:52 -05:00

349 lines
12 KiB

package Assignments.A1.view;
import Assignments.A1.models.Board;
import Assignments.A1.models.BoardGenerator;
import Assignments.A1.models.BoardNode;
import Assignments.A1.models.helper.Solver;
import Assignments.A1.solving_algorithms.PriorityTraversal;
import Assignments.A1.solving_algorithms.comparators.AStar;
import Assignments.A1.solving_algorithms.comparators.BFS;
import Assignments.A1.solving_algorithms.DFS;
import Assignments.A1.solving_algorithms.comparators.UCS;
import javafx.beans.property.*;
import javafx.scene.control.Alert;
import javafx.scene.control.TreeItem;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Stack;
public class MainViewModel {
/* Private Fields used to bind */
private final StringProperty currentBoardProperty, algSpeedProperty, iterationCounter;
private final BooleanProperty expanded, DFS, UCS, BFS, AStar, solvingAlgErr, genBoardErr, disclaimer, openPerf, runPerf;
private BoardNode current = new BoardNode(new Board(), null);
private TreeItem<BoardNode> solvedRootNode = null;
/* Private Fields used for traversing/creating nodes. */
private BoardNode solvedRootBoardNode = null;
private final long[][] hasRanPerformance;
private String selectedAlg;
* Initializes all the Properties and initial values for any fields.
* @precondition none
* @postcondition a VM is created.
public MainViewModel() {
this.currentBoardProperty = new SimpleStringProperty();
this.algSpeedProperty = new SimpleStringProperty();
this.disclaimer = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
this.expanded = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
this.openPerf = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
this.runPerf = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
this.DFS = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
this.UCS = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
this.BFS = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
this.AStar = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
this.iterationCounter = new SimpleStringProperty();
this.solvingAlgErr = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
this.genBoardErr = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
this.hasRanPerformance = new long[4][102];
* Generates the board and sets the board on view to new board.
* @precondition none
* @postcondition none
public void generateBoard() {
this.current = new BoardNode(BoardGenerator.generateBoard(), null);
* Solves the current board by checking for which alg is selected, then will solve that board
* with the given alg that implements the Solver interface.
* @precondition menuItem != null && (board != solver || board != null)
* @postcondition the board is solved.
public void solveBoard() {
if (selectedAlg == null || selectedAlg.isEmpty()) {
if (current.board.equals(new Board())) {
Solver solver = null;
if (DFS.getValue()) {
solver = new DFS();
} else if (UCS.getValue()) {
solver = new PriorityTraversal(new UCS());
} else if (BFS.getValue()) {
solver = new PriorityTraversal(new BFS());
} else if (AStar.getValue()) {
solver = new PriorityTraversal(new AStar());
Date start = new Date();
BoardNode solved = solver.traverse(this.current.board);
Date end = new Date();
long runtime = end.getTime() - start.getTime();
BoardNode root = solved;
while (root.parent != null) {
root = root.parent;
this.solvedRootNode = rebuildTree(root, this.expanded.getValue());
this.solvedRootBoardNode = root;
this.current = solved;
* Sets the values of the data using the View's Property files and Bindings.
* @precondition none
* @postcondition none
* @param value the menu item value.
public void setSelectedAlg(String value) {
this.selectedAlg = value;
this.openPerf.setValue(this.hasRanPerformance[convertValueToInt(value)][0] == 1);
this.runPerf.setValue(this.hasRanPerformance[convertValueToInt(value)][0] == 0);
if (this.hasRanPerformance[convertValueToInt(value)][0] == 0) {
* Runs through the selected algorithm and will run it 100 times. It will collect data from these runs
* and store them. It will then allow you to view the data in a new windows and the button will appear.
* @precondition none
* @postcondition the performance is taken.
public void runPerformanceCheck() {
Solver solver = null;
int alg = -1;
if (this.selectedAlg.equals("DFS") && this.hasRanPerformance[0][0] == 0) {
solver = new DFS();
alg = 0;
} else if (this.selectedAlg.equals("UCS") && this.hasRanPerformance[1][0] == 0) {
solver = new PriorityTraversal(new UCS());
alg = 1;
} else if (this.selectedAlg.equals("BFS") && this.hasRanPerformance[2][0] == 0) {
solver = new PriorityTraversal(new BFS());
alg = 2;
} else if (this.selectedAlg.equals("AStar") && this.hasRanPerformance[3][0] == 0) {
solver = new PriorityTraversal(new AStar());
alg = 3;
int averageNodes = 0;
if (solver != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
Board board = BoardGenerator.generateBoard();
long start = new Date().getTime();
BoardNode node = solver.traverse(board);
long end = new Date().getTime();
System.out.println(node.board + "\n");
if (node != null) {
this.hasRanPerformance[alg][i + 2] = end - start;
averageNodes += solver.getNumOfNodes();
} else {
this.hasRanPerformance[alg][i+2] = -1;
iterationCounter.setValue("Performing Analysis Iteration: " + (i+1) + "/100");
this.hasRanPerformance[alg][0] = 1;
this.hasRanPerformance[alg][1] = averageNodes;
for (int i = 1; i < this.hasRanPerformance[alg].length; i++) {
* Opens the performance files that were previously generated. Is only visible when performance is already generated.
* @precondition performance == generated
* @postcondition performance is displayed in Alert.
public void openPerf() {
long totalTime = 0;
int success = 0;
long shortest = 1000000;
long longest = -1;
for (int i = 2; i < this.hasRanPerformance[convertValueToInt(this.selectedAlg)].length; i++) {
long current = this.hasRanPerformance[convertValueToInt(this.selectedAlg)][i];
if (current != -1) {
totalTime += current;
if (current < shortest) {
shortest = current;
if (longest < current) {
longest = current;
long average = totalTime / (long) success;
Alert perf = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION);
perf.setTitle(this.selectedAlg + " Performance Report");
perf.setHeaderText(success + "/" + 100 + " Succeeded.");
String results = "Shortest Run: " + shortest + "ms\n" +
"Longest Run: " + longest + "ms\n" +
"Average Time: " + average + "ms" + "\n" +
"Average Nodes: " + (this.hasRanPerformance[convertValueToInt(this.selectedAlg)][1]/success);
* Is used to update the display with the current board.
* @precondition none
* @postcondition the dispaly is updated.
public void updateDisplay() {
TreeItem<BoardNode> newRoot = null;
newRoot = this.rebuildTree(this.solvedRootBoardNode, this.expanded.getValue());
this.solvedRootNode = newRoot;
/* Getters for bindings */
public TreeItem<BoardNode> getSolvedRootNode() {
return solvedRootNode;
public BooleanProperty DFSProperty() {
return DFS;
public BooleanProperty UCSProperty() {
return UCS;
public BooleanProperty BFSProperty() {
return BFS;
public BooleanProperty AStarProperty() {
return AStar;
public BooleanProperty solvingAlgErrProperty() {
return solvingAlgErr;
public BooleanProperty genBoardErrProperty() {
return genBoardErr;
public boolean getExpanded() {
return expanded.get();
public BooleanProperty expandedProperty() {
return expanded;
public StringProperty algSpeedProperty() {
return algSpeedProperty;
public StringProperty iterationCounterProperty() {
return iterationCounter;
public boolean isDisclaimer() {
return disclaimer.get();
public BooleanProperty disclaimerProperty() {
return disclaimer;
public BooleanProperty openPerfProperty() {
return openPerf;
public BooleanProperty runPerfProperty() {
return runPerf;
public StringProperty getCurrentBoardProperty() {
return this.currentBoardProperty;
/* End of Public Methods. Private Fields Only */
private TreeItem<BoardNode> rebuildTree(BoardNode root, boolean expanded) {
if (this.selectedAlg != null) {
if (this.selectedAlg.equals("DFS")) {
Stack<BoardNode> generations = new Stack<>();
BoardNode temp = this.current;
while (temp != null) {
temp = temp.parent;
TreeItem<BoardNode> rootItem = new TreeItem<>(root);
TreeItem<BoardNode> currItem = rootItem;
while (!generations.isEmpty()) {
TreeItem<BoardNode> child = new TreeItem<>(generations.pop());
currItem = child;
return rootItem;
} else {
TreeItem<BoardNode> treeItem = new TreeItem<>(root);
for (BoardNode child : root.children) {
TreeItem<BoardNode> childItem = rebuildTree(child, expanded);
return treeItem;
return new TreeItem<>();
private int convertValueToInt(String value) {
if (value.equals("DFS")) return 0;
if (value.equals("UCS")) return 1;
if (value.equals("BFS")) return 2;
return 3;